Kalavinka is a symbol. A Mythical Bhuddist bird that, even before being hatched, sings songs of good news.
With his ethereal and relaxing music, Vasco Martins managed to translate this bird's essence and to transport the listeners to far away places.
With João Barbosa's photography, and the chosen colours, this cover illustrates the inner peace and warmth brought by the music in the album.
Year: 2014
With a mix of RNB and traditional capeverdean rythms, GilsonGee brings us an album that evokes the experience and culture of the capeverdean people.
The cover is intended to translate the capeverdean reallity: the love for the country, the harsh and dry tropical climate, the longing for the rain and the endurance of capeverdean people.
Year: 2013 
CD Covers

CD Covers

CD covers designed for various artists


Creative Fields